Meet Terry Clare

Meet Terry Clare

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” Psalm 139:14

Terry joined our Kikuyu family in June 2023. She is an adorable four-year-old who has developed a strong, open, caring personality. It is beautiful to see how the stability and love shown by the aunties and uncles is giving Terry the freedom to grow and discover who she truly is.

Terry had been living in a very abusive situation. It was so severe that when the Children’s Department intervened, Terry was admitted to the hospital. The Children’s Department contacted us and decided that our Kikuyu home was the best and safest place for Terry. She was welcomed with open arms and has just flourished under the care she is receiving.

It took some time for her to feel comfortable with the aunties, but now she loves the attention of both the aunties and the uncles, and she can’t seem to get enough hugs! Terry loves to be active and take part in all kinds of games and activities – especially with Zawadi and Natasha. She recently started school and absolutely loves it. She can’t wait to run to the school bus right after breakfast. She has learned some of the “magic words” – please, thank you, excuse me, and sorry – and she loves to color.

Terry has become a very responsible little girl who is happy to learn and follow instructions. She enjoys doing her chores and loves to be sent on errands by the aunties. She can dress herself and loves to help her little sister, Lexie, do the same. She enjoys playing dolls and hide-and-seek with her peers, and also likes to kick the ball around with the boys outside.

Terry is still adapting to her new environment. She is full of energy and can seem a little hyperactive sometimes. This may partly stem from the new freedom she has to play, explore, and make mistakes without being severely punished. Terry is learning to work through her fear and embrace the security she has in her Kikuyu home. She now warms up easily to new people, is learning to trust those around her, and seems to be a natural leader. We can’t wait to see how God uses her little life!

Since Terry is new to our home, she is not yet fully sponsored. If you would like to join others in supporting Terry, click the link and enter her name in the memo line. Thank you.

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