Two New Blessings at Kikuyu – Meet Imani and Biver

Two New Blessings at Kikuyu – Meet Imani and Biver

“He took a little child and had him stand among them. Taking him in his arms he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me…” Mark 9:36-37

It has been a busy month in Kenya! We introduced Baby Mary from our Kitalale home last month, and this month, meet one-year-olds Imani and Biver, twin babies that joined our Kikuyu home in March.

Imani (a little boy) and Biver (a baby girl) were found with their mother who was wandering around late at night just outside Kikuyu town. The Children’s Department found that their mother was homeless and struggling with mental illness. The children were brought to our Kikuyu home to be cared for and protected since their mother was admitted to the hospital for mental evaluation and treatment. The Children’s Department found no extended family, so we were very grateful to invite them into our family.

When Imani and Biver were first brought to us, they needed medical attention and evaluation. The doctor’s assessment showed that they were malnourished and had throat infections. It appeared their mother had carried them most of the time, so their muscles were weak and they hadn’t met any of the milestones for children their age like sitting, rolling over, or standing. After treatment with antibiotics for the infection, a few weeks of nutritious food, and lots of love, they are getting stronger every single day.

The twins are beginning to settle into their new home. They are both good eaters and are sleeping well. These are very important first steps towards their healing. The aunties have been spending a lot of time exercising and stretching the babies’ legs and bodies which has given Imani the ability to roll over. Please pray that as both children get physical therapy, their strength will improve. We hope it won’t be long before they are making their way all around the home!

New babies, especially twins, bring such joy and excitement to the other children. Both our older and younger kids love to help take care of Imani and Biver. Charles, one of our 12th graders, can be found sitting with Biver on the couch, making her giggle. And Mark, who is in elementary school, often sits on the floor with both children, playing peek-a-boo and other games with them. Both Imani and Biver enjoy all this interaction and attention. It is wonderful to embrace these little ones into our family.

Since the twins are brand new, they don’t have sponsors yet. If you would like to be one of the first to help provide for them, click the “Donate” tab at the top of the website, and put either Imani or Biver on the comment line. Thank you so much.
