Celebrating Freddy’s College Graduation

Celebrating Freddy’s College Graduation

“Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.”  – Proverbs 4:13

Photographer in the Family

It is always exciting to celebrate the success of one of our children. In November, Freddy Okango graduated with a Diploma in Film Technology from KCA University and we could not be more proud of him! His focus was Photography and we are delighted to have such a talented photographer in the family. We have recently hired him to take family pictures and videos and his work is outstanding.

Graduation Celebration

Freddy was only allotted two guests for his graduation ceremony, so Auntie Peninah and Uncle Kefa were blessed to support him, but his Kikuyu family was ready to celebrate as soon as he got home. Freddy was ushered into the room with dancing from the older boys and smiles and cheers from everyone. They enjoyed a delicious meal and presentations from both his siblings and the Aunties and Uncles who spoke words of encouragement and congratulations over Freddy. There were also many dance performances and Freddy took part in a few of them!

Freddy shared his story with the family – that school was sometimes difficult for him and getting good grades didn’t always come easily. He had to dedicate himself and work hard, but it sure paid off! There is a Kenyan song that talks about how we often have to start out low, but with Jesus and hard work, we can be lifted high. This is definitely the case with Freddy! The kids were especially encouraged by his story and challenged not to give up on their hopes and dreams. We know that, “…with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

Bright Future

Freddy is a wise, dependable, respectful, and teachable young man. He loves the Lord and often shares with his siblings from the Bible. It is a beautiful thing to see our children’s stories of triumph. Providing education for each child through college plays a big role in setting them up for success in their adult lives.

We can’t thank you enough for your support. Your prayers and financial gifts help make all this possible – the smiles, the love, the accomplishments, the celebrations, and the hope.

May you be truly blessed this Christmas Season!