Sharing Our Gifts

Sharing Our Gifts

As an organization, it is our mission to empower our kids to become active members of society and provide them with all the necessary opportunities to become successful, independent adults with vast dreams and aspirations. Each of our kids has unique abilities and with the help of our Aunties and Uncles, we are able to identify and harness each skill through after school activities, Christian camps and plenty of encouragement. Normally, we see the importance for our kids to get involved with our local community and church for them to share their gifts with those around us and get a chance to connect with others outside of the home. During this period of social distancing, our kids continue to share their gifts and talents from the comfort of our home.

Angelic Voice

After both of her parents died of HIV/AIDS, Grace’s life took a twist. With help from the Children’s Department, she joined our home in 2011.

Grace is an incredibly smart and talented 17 year old from our Kitalale home. After joining our home, Grace has grown to become a talented and smart student whose dream is to become a neurosurgeon. As a natural leader, she is very confident and enjoys connecting with others. Grace’s special talent is her angelic voice. She is often seen with Faith or Sarah Chelimo humming hymns and getting other kids to sing along with them. When Mercy from our Kikuyu home is around, Grace enjoys singing with her and putting on a show for the rest of our home. Typically, Grace is part of the church’s young christian choir on Sunday’s where the entire congregation gets to hear her sing. During this period of quarantine, Grace, Faith, Solphine and Sarah have been preparing songs to lead worship for our at-home church service each Sunday. Every week, we’ve been impressed with their incredible voices.

Grace has found liberty in music. She enjoys singing with the other kids, particularly Mercy from the Kikuyu home, and performing in front of audiences.

Community Builder 

Meet Edith! She enjoys helping with the younger children and is often seen helping out in the kitchen. She has a heart of gold and a soft and quiet personality.

Edith joined our home when she was just 8 years old. Due to the traumatic experiences in her past, she struggled academically and socially at first. With plenty of love and support from our Aunties and kids, Edith has proved to be resilient  and through God’s love has kept her positive outlook on life. Edith has an incredible heart and is considered as one of our most resilient kids in our home. Through her experience and genuine character, she is respected by other kids and seen as a leader. Today, she is a confident 17 year old girl who can stand in front of a crowd to share her story and message in the hopes of inspiring others. During the second week of quarantine in our home, Edith shared her testimony with the other kids during a church service and encouraged them to be vulnerable during this time. Once we are allowed to open our gates again, Edith will continue volunteering for our local church as part of the youth ministry.

Spirituality And Bible Readings

George has a curious mind, big dreams and aspirations. Since 2019, he’s been talking about becoming a pilot and we’re looking forward to encouraging him and supporting him. Pictured, is George with Abraham, our Director of Operations in Kenya.   

We were blessed with George in 2005 when he was only two months old. Today, George is a really fun kid to be around because of his genuine personality and constant smile. When George was about 12 years old, he started asking about his past and his origin. Through this difficult period of introspection, counselling and self discovery, he became more grounded in his faith, spirituality and about the power of trusting the word of God. Since then, George enjoys sharing bible verses with those in the home and at church; he has mastered over 20 bible verses and can recite them from memory! With a heart of service, George is one of those kids who will drop anything to help someone in need. In church, he typically volunteers to read the scripture relating to the sermon. During this period of quarantine, George is part of a group of elder boys who has helped the staff lead our at-home services. 


Kevin is an incredible older brother and looks over all of the younger kids in the home, especially his biological sister, Viola. The Aunties and Uncles trust Kevin with more responsibility as he has shown to be a great leader.

A great leader is an individual who is courageous, has humility and is able to share lessons from their past with others. When Kevin joined our home at 10 years of age, he had no formal schooling and had been neglected by his caregiver at the time. With plenty of support, Kevin learned fast and never lost hope. He pursued his dream of getting better grades which paid off earlier this year when he was accepted to a great high school. Kevin’s dedication and hard working personality can also be seen when he practices for his short-distance races. As an athlete, Kevin works incredibly hard and has brought several trophies home. The younger kids look up to Kevin for excellence. With the odds against his favor, he was able to shine through and accomplish many of his goals. With a compassionate and understanding heart, Kevin connects with the kids and is able to inspire them for good. 

Getting to know our children’s superpowers has been an ultimate blessing. They all possess something unique we want to help unleash.

Whether it is a beautiful voice or artistic abilities, every single one of them has a story to share. Together, we are able to make a difference in the lives of these kids and we are forever grateful for your support and dedication. To learn more about our kids and to pray for them, join our new Prayer Warriors Email List. You’ll receive a weekly email highlighting kids and staff members from each of our homes for you to pray for by name. 

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