Giving Thanks to Our Extended Family

Giving Thanks to Our Extended Family

Providing safe, loving homes to the children in our care is our calling. However, none of what we do would be possible without the generosity of our extended family — you! We are forever grateful to those of you who give, be it through prayer or financial donations. With that spirit of giving in mind, we wanted to share the enormous impact your generosity has had on the lives of our children.

Kikuyu’s boys’ cottage

From 2018 to 2019, we completed construction on the boys’ cottage at Kikuyu. The cottage is where the older boys sleep. There is a common area where they can study and work out, with a weight bench available. Their cottage is located on the backside of our main building and serves as space where the family eats and where church services are held. The construction work included not only the cottage itself, but also the surrounding area, ramps, and a basketball court, all of which was donor-funded. 

The ramps were an important part of the cottage’s design, as it allows all members of our family to move freely between the different areas of Kikuyu. We have several children with disabilities, and the ramps make it easier for them to walk between the main building and the cottages. 

Along with the basketball court, which has been hugely popular with all of the children, we were also able to level the playing field. Before, the field was on a sloped hill, which made it hard to use. Now, the children have a wonderful flat, even space to play soccer and other outdoor games.

Kitalale’s boys’ cottage

Back in 2019, we made a special appeal for donations to fund the construction of a similar boys’ cottage at Kitalale, and you answered that call in a big way! You generously contributed around $125,000, which is enabling us to make this project a reality. We have quite a few boys who will need to move into the older boys’ cottage in the coming year, so we’re eager to have the project completed by September 2021.

The boys stood proudly on the foundations of their soon-to-be cottage.


In 2020 we ran a matching gift campaign to raise funds to cover education expenses for our children. Thanks to you, we were able to raise approximately $90,000 between Giving Tuesday and our end of the year campaign. This money goes toward educational materials, school uniforms, books, stationery and other school supplies for our children, ensuring they have everything they need to learn.

Providing our children with the education they deserve is at the heart of our mission.

Basketball courts

The basketball court at Kikuyu has been a huge blessing. The children absolutely love spending all their free time playing on it. Not only do they get to have fun with one another, but the basketball court also encourages them to stay active and enjoy more time outside. We know the children at Kitalale will enjoy their new court just as much. While we didn’t quite reach our fundraising goal for the Kitalale court, your thoughtful donations will still go toward supporting the project. We look forward to sharing progress with you soon!

Our basketball court in Kikuyu is loved by all of the children and we’re looking forward to building one in Kitalale too.

We are always in awe of your generosity, and how willing you are to give what you have to help our families thrive. Your love, prayers, and donations go a long way to helping provide our children with the quality of life they truly deserve. Thank you!