17 Apr Faces of Children of Hope | Isaac
And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.
Luke 2:40
As an organization, we believe that providing access to quality education and healthcare are within our top two priorities. Everything in our homes is structured to nurture our kids’ minds and bodies so they can become healthy, independent adults. This month, we have the opportunity to share Isaac’s story of strength and resilience. Despite being born with cerebral palsy, “Kim”, as he is affectionately called by those closest to him, has grown to be a strong and energetic 14-year-old boy under our love and care. We are blessed to witness miracles every day.

Every human should be able to access high-quality healthcare regardless of race, religion, economic or social condition. Thanks to your contributions to the General Fund, we have been able to provide the best medical treatment and opportunity to some of our kids who need it the most, like Isaac. Donations made to this fund allow us to offset the costs of any medical procedures and supplies that are over and above our standard monthly Child Sponsorship budget.
Isaac’s first time using the walker on his own with Uncle Patrick.
Isaac joined our home when he was only six months old. As soon as he was welcomed into the Kikuyu home he showered us with love; we couldn’t resist his beautiful smile and caring eyes! Ever since day one, we have provided Isaac with the necessary medications and treatments to make sure he would reach his full potential. With time, he has taken ownership of his condition and has shown incredible signs of improvement. Isaac has made progress from relying completely on a wheelchair to using a walker and progressing towards being able to use only one crutch within the next six months. We thank God for the progress and efforts from the doctors, kids, staff and Isaac himself towards this journey. He is truly a miracle.

Isaac is naturally a smart and curious individual. At five years of age, he started attending a special school and has been enjoying it ever since. Through his remarkable memory, Isaac can easily remember both names (first and last) of every child and staff member. This skill comes in really handy when memorizing the lyrics to numerous of his favorite rap songs. Isaac is the happiest and comes alive when he gets the chance to rap with Uncle Sam! One time, while waiting in line at the clinic, Uncle Sam started leading a rap song and let Kim finish the lyrics to help distract him and relax. You could see the other kids and parents on the queue watching in amusement!
Isaac is an incredibly jovial boy that everyone loves interacting with, especially Jacob, Griffin and Tony who he is the closest with at the home. These boys will always assist Isaac, or Kim as they call him, with getting from point A to point B and by making him feel included during all activities. Aunties and Uncles also make sure that Isaac is included during some of the off-site activities. The first time Isaac joined the other kids in the pool was thanks to our accountant Alfred, who held him and let him splash about in delight. Ever since that day, other staff members and the older kids have helped Isaac in the water whenever we go to the pool.

During his latest medical appointment in March, the doctor noticed that Isaac’s left leg was shorter than his right leg. To help mitigate this difference and enhance his posture, it was recommended that Isaac gets fitted with a brace on his right leg and a two-inch lift in the sole of his left shoe. After testing out his new devices, his immediate improvement was miraculous! Everyone at the home was very excited when they saw him coming in that day. The doctor will be seeing him in three months (June 2019) to check in on his progress.
The newest shoes have really made a difference in Isaac’s life.
In both of our homes, we are trying to create a physically accessible environment for all of our kids, regardless of ability. This need is the greatest in our Kikuyu home which is located on steep terrain and it is not currently easily accessible for our smaller children (and babies who will soon learn how to walk) as well as the three kids with physical challenges. Because of this, we are currently building ramps with grab rails to enable these kids and guests to navigate between the three cottages and main gathering space.
As we continue to grow and develop, we are taking into consideration every person in our home and are making sure to make an accessible environment for all. It is thanks to the contributions to the General Fund that we have been able to give Isaac (Kim) an opportunity to show his strength and resilience and are currently able to fund these upgrades in our homes.
Donate to General Fund