
“The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” -  Proverbs 18:15  Here at Children of Hope, we aim to provide our children with a loving home and nurturing family to help them accomplish their dreams and have the opportunity to...

Last year was a year of many unprecedented events, with the COVID-19 outbreak meaning our children spent a lot of time at home. This posed opportunities to plan events to keep both our families and extended families around the world in touch.  We spent a long...

Children of Hope take nutrition very seriously. It is part of our mission to help our children lead healthy and balanced lifestyles, and part of that is providing healthy and nutritious meals. We strive to provide a balanced diet for all of our children so...

At both our homes, we have always been very selective and sensitive to opening up opportunities to volunteers and visitors. Our number one priority is our children, so ensuring they feel safe, loved, and have everything they need, comes first. On the rare occasion that...