24 Apr Faith in our Homes: Celebrating Easter
Every year, both our homes support and embrace traditions around faith to the fullest. This year was nothing different. This Easter, we took time to thank God for all the wonderful children he has entrusted to our care, and for all of you who have helped us every step of the way. Without your support, we wouldn’t be where we are today. So thank you for being a part of our family.
Easter is a time to celebrate the eternal life of Jesus and to embrace the hope we have in the grace freely given to us by God.
Our children were delighted to celebrate Easter together as a family, and we’re equally excited to share our Easter celebrations with you. Let’s have a look at how our children spent Easter weekend in our homes.
Good Friday Celebrations

At Kitalale, the children and staff have a tradition of celebrating a ‘fun day’ every school break when the children are back home. This year, we decided to combine our ‘fun day’ with our Easter celebrations to double the enjoyment and festivities on Friday. By dividing themselves into two teams, the entire home participated in a variety of competitive activities, ranging from athletics to dancing and music.

The children were absolutely thrilled to take part in the activities, and entered each competition with enthusiasm, hoping to win the first place trophy. There were a lot of competitive conversations going around the home leading up to the activities, and all the children were very excited to enjoy the day with their brothers, sisters, aunties, and uncles.
Easter Sunday
At both our homes laughter and conversations filled the air early on Sunday morning, as the children were excited to attend Easter service at the respective local churches. Once arriving home, they were ready for a special lunch and to have another fun-filled day of special activities.
The older children at both homes had prepared and practiced during the week of Easter to perform an Easter-themed skit during the afternoon. They did a wonderful job of depicting the resurrection of Jesus. For the remainder of the afternoon, everyone enjoyed a series of singing and dance performances. It was fun to have the aunties and uncles joining as well.
In Kitalale the rest of the afternoon included hosting a prize ceremony for the “fun day competitions”, where the winning team, the Eagles, was presented with a trophy. The home broke into dances and cheering, and the opposing team, the Leopards, congratulated their brothers and sisters with excitement. The night ended with a festive meal, including sodas to celebrate the day. Later that night, the older children (those above Class 6) had a movie night in the new Boys’ Cottage. The boys were delighted to host their sisters, aunties, and uncles for the movie night. They prepared popcorn and the night was a success. This was the first time the boys hosted a movie night in their cottage, it proved to be a great place to host a special time of discussions, movies, activities, etc for our older children
For our Kikuyu home, upon arriving home from Church they were surprised with a special visit from a few of our older children who are now working and independent adults, along with our college students who also live independently. It was an emotional day for everyone as they reunited with their older brothers and sisters, and spent the afternoon catching up over a special meal and fun snacks.
It warms our hearts to see the love and support the children shared for one another, and how the homes celebrated our combined faith in God together, as a happy family.
Celebrating our Faith

Spiritual growth is one of our core components for child development, and we strive to guide our children as they grow in their personal relationship with God. Our children love attending church where they immerse themselves in learning more about the teachings of the Bible.
Daily Prayers and Bible Study
Bible study sessions provide great opportunities to nurture the faith and grow children’s knowledge in God and establish a personal relationship with Him by reading the word and through prayers.
Our aunties and uncles in both Kitalale and Kikuyu are dedicated to guiding our children every step of the way as they navigate life’s challenges and as they learn through them.
‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’- Proverbs 22: 6