06 Oct Our Aunties and Uncles are Loving Examples to Follow
“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing…”
1 Peter 5:2

Children of Hope is a unique, life-changing ministry for so many reasons. One of our foundational elements is the godly love and care our Aunties and Uncles provide to each and every child. Many of these precious servants have been an integral part of our homes for 10-15 years. Their hearts are dedicated to the kids and to the call the Lord has put on their lives. They are daily examples to our children of how to behave towards family. Read on to see examples of this beautiful behavior lived out in our homes.

Moses and Peter are working together to clean up the grounds. Moses used to live in our Kikuyu home and now works as our groundskeeper and back-up driver. We are grateful for Moses’ hard work and continued involvement in the lives of the children.
Hard work is easier when it is shared with those you love. Auntie Petty is working alongside Blessing to thresh the red beans from their pods in our Kitalale home.

As you can imagine, with close to fifty children in our Kikuyu home, there is always laundry to be done. Sarah is showing Nymbura how to put the items out on the bushes to dry. Doing chores together can be a sweet time of instruction and fellowship.
Time for a haircut! It is such fun to see James giving Abraham a trim. Like a good barber (and brother), James is most likely checking in on how Abraham is doing with school, sports, and his friends. It’s times like these that can build camaraderie between siblings.

Uncle Wilson is the driver at our Kikuyu home and makes sure all the vehicles are running properly. He is showing Tony how things work under the hood. Tony is always excited to learn about anything mechanical.

Hanging out with his big brother puts a smile on Fabby’s face. Tony is kind and encouraging to his younger siblings, engaging with them in yard work or other hands-on projects that he has learned from godly men like Uncle Wilson.
Uncle Kefa, at our Kikuyu home, is teaching Agnes how to add charcoal to the jiko. These little stoves are used to heat the rooms during the cold season in Kenya.

One of our generous donors provided some very cool bikes to our Kikuyu kids. It warms the heart to see the excitement Terrance, Noah, and Rose have for one another as they take turns learning to ride the bike.
It’s so good to know our children always get the help they need. It looks like Auntie Damaris is quizzing Mark, making sure he understands his lessons in our Kikuyu home.

God has brought each member of our homes together as a unique family. We see His intent for unity being nurtured daily and lived out in the lives of His people, both young and old.