Faces of Children of Hope: Sammy Kwemoi

Collage of Sammy from our Kitalale home

Faces of Children of Hope: Sammy Kwemoi

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” 

– Matthew 5:16

Our fundamental goal at Children of Hope has always been to create a nurturing environment where our children can thrive, ensuring that their unique needs are met with tailored care. It is exciting to see this goal come to life through our very own children.

Sammy is one of our kids who seems to nurture everyone who knows him in our Kitalale home. Sammy joined our Children of Hope family in October 2011, when he was five years old. Today, he is 17, and his heart for others amazes us each and every day. We feel so blessed to have him in our lives and are excited to share some of Sammy’s story with you.

Meet Sammy 

Sammy with Auntie Irene on his birthday.

Sammy has always had a sweet and tender personality. Although physically tall and strong, his demeanor is caring and loving towards both his Kitalale “siblings” and his “Aunties and Uncles.” 

An eager helper, Sammy is ready to lend a hand, wherever needed – in the home, at school, or in the community. Sammy has a soft spot for the babies and enjoys playing with and taking care of them in his free time. After his studies are complete, he loves helping in the kitchen, washing vehicles, or helping on the farm. Sammy is one of the kindest souls and gets along with everyone. He always has a smile on his face, and he lights up when assisting anyone, young or old.

Sammy’s Journey

The first day Sammy arrived at our Kitalale home.

Sammy came to our home in 2011. He was found to be severely malnourished and was showing signs of significant developmental delays. The local Children’s Department discovered that his mother had abandoned him, leaving him with an elderly grandfather who was no longer able to care for him. During the first few months at our home, Sammy received regular physical and speech therapy, along with good nutrition, and his progress was remarkable! Sammy’s “Aunties and Uncles” added to this progress by giving him the nurturing and security he needed and by teaching him basic skills like dressing himself and brushing his teeth. Before we knew it, Sammy was ready for his very first day of school.  There was a great celebration when he graduated from kindergarten and headed off to first grade!  

Sammy with our two Aunties at his graduation.

Despite having learning difficulties, Sammy always has a positive attitude and is full of smiles. These traits make him very approachable. Sammy loves school and with that smile, he makes a lot of friends. Just like at home, he loves to jump in and help anyone in need. Sammy’s nickname became “The Pastor” for a few reasons: 1. His heart for God, 2. Being a living example of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness to name a few), and 3. His loving, calm, composed way of helping classmates solve arguments and disagreements. Sammy was such a good “Pastor,” that when he graduated from primary school last year, the principal, teachers, and students mentioned how much they miss him and his ability to mediate tough situations and bring reconciliation.

In Kenya, high school typically means going off to boarding school. We decided it would be best for Sammy to attend the local day school, St. Phillip’s Kitalale High School. This way, he gets to enjoy both his time at school and returning home every evening to engage with the younger kids. It is a perfect fit for this delightful young man. Sammy volunteered to be a student leader (prefect) for children with special needs. Within the first few weeks, he championed for and won the rights of special needs students to be included in competitive sports activities.

Forming Lifelong Bonds at Kitalale

Over the years, Sammy has grown close to Robert, the home’s driver. It’s no wonder they are close since they share the same nickname, “The Pastor.” He and Sammy have so many wonderful things in common, like a love for the Lord, looking out for those in need, and a kind heart. Sammy spends a lot of time learning from Robert about automobiles and helping with any vehicle-related chores. In addition to his love for cars, Sammy also enjoys good food. You can regularly find him helping in the kitchen and enjoying time with our three cooks.

Sammy’s love for his “brothers and sisters” goes beyond just playing with the babies. Sammy is considered a “big brother” to all the children at the home. He cares deeply about his younger “siblings” and always finds an excuse to carry baby John Paul around the house or play with the toddlers, Gracious and Daniel. It is an honor to watch as Sammy’s heart for his family and for the Lord grows bigger and more far-reaching. 

We realize that your continued support, love, and generosity make many of these things possible. Thank you for helping transform the lives of our Kenyan children. If you’d like to be one of Sammy’s sponsors or help sponsor another child, donate to our Child Sponsorship Fund. Don’t forget to put “Sammy Kwemoi” in the comment section.

If you would like to send a one-time donation, please use the General Fund.