27 Oct College Spotlight: Serah Maria
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you”.
– Psalm 32:8
At Children of Hope, we provide our children with a nurturing home and loving family to help them accomplish their dreams and make great strides in their lives. With the care and guidance of our aunties and uncles, the children spend time developing their passions and learning how to pursue their ambitions. Today, we’re happy to share that Serah Maria did just that and is weeks into beginning the new chapter in her education and life.
Serah first joined the Kikuyu home as a 7-month-old baby in 2004. Initially a shy and introverted girl, Serah has grown into a confident young woman who has really focused on making her future bright. Fiercely independent today, Serah is loving her time at the University of Nairobi, where she is pursuing a degree in Pharmacy, is enjoying her classes, and continuing to make new friends. In fact, she is so happy at university that she decided to share her experience with us.
Starting Classes: Serah’s Experiences
- What do you enjoy the most about university?
I really enjoy the fact that I am getting to explore a new part of the country on my own, and share life experiences with other people and relay them to my family. It is fun learning from others but great to always fall back to the advice or morals taught by your family.
- How are you liking staying on your own and experiencing this new transition in your life?
At first I was scared and excited at the same time but so far I am enjoying the fact that I get to solve my own problems out here. I get the chance to become truly independent and see the world as a better place rather than seeing the worst that can come out of it. I also enjoy planning and being responsible for my budget.
- Have you made friends at university?
Yes, I have made one friend from Tanzania. She is really nice – we get to explore the city together because she is also new here.
- What are some of your hobbies and interests that you’ve taken up in university?
Some of my hobbies include taking walks around the campus, and spending time in the library. I love discovering new books and topics about things happening in the world when I go to the library.
- What does a normal day look like at university for you?
I spent most mornings reviewing what I learned in the previous week. In the afternoon I join my online classes or travel to the nearby hospital for my practical lessons and lab classes. In the evenings, I tend to watch a movie or spend time with my friends. My weekends are mostly free – I get to do house cleaning, laundry and enjoy naps, movies and sweet moments with my friend and other roommates.
Transitioning into University Living

Serah’s new hostel is right near campus and is very convenient for her to get to class. It’s an extremely safe neighborhood, is a short walk away from the library, and all her classes are nearby.
Serah has started making good friends with the other students living in her all-girls hostel. The hostel has access to good Wifi, a good meal plan, and study desks.
Several of the Children of Hope aunties and uncles went to drop Serah off at her new home. They loved how clean the residence was, and how each student’s privacy was respected. The goodbyes were hard, but they were very excited to watch Serah begin this new chapter of her life.
We can’t wait for Serah to come home for her December break.
Testimonials and Well Wishes

Uncle Samson, our Kikuyu administrator and academic social worker, has worked with Serah closely to help her decide on her career path and goals. His fondest memory of Serah was when she received an award at the Word of Life Camp for being the best overall student.
“Watching her join The University of Nairobi to pursue a degree in Pharmacy has made me such a proud uncle. This has totally changed her in a very positive way and we are hopeful that she is going to have an amazing career,” said Uncle Samson.
Auntie Cecilia, caregiver and social worker at Kikuyu, had equally fond memories of Serah. This is what she had to say…
“As a baby, Serah hit all her developmental goals, and joined school at the age of 4. She was a very bright child and always performed well academically. Serah was an obedient girl who was always ready to learn both at home and school. She got along well with her siblings and classmates, and performed very well in her exams. During her time in high school, she was among the highest-achieving students and her teachers were very proud of her. While at home, she has been very obedient, respectful, hardworking, and a mentor to the young ones. We are grateful to God for the far she has come, and we all wish her the best in her future endeavors,” said Auntie Cecilia.