28 Apr Celebrating Easter, 2023
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
– Proverbs 22:6
At Children of Hope, we fully embrace and uphold traditions around faith in our homes. This Easter, we took the time to teach our children about the significance of this important Christian Celebration.
Without your support, we wouldn’t have been able to reach where we are today, and we’re so blessed to have you be a part of our extended family.
On Easter, we reflected on the eternal life of Jesus and the hope we have in God’s grace. Both our homes attended church services on Sunday morning and then celebrated in a festive way on Easter Monday. We’re excited to share with you how our celebrations went.
Easter Celebrations at Kitalale Home

The children at our Kitalale home started off the celebrations by presenting a skit about the resurrection of Christ. They enjoyed learning more and discussing about Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection, as told by Uncle Amos.
Later that afternoon, the children had the opportunity to visit their favorite park in the community, the Kitale Nature Conservancy – a private park dedicated to conserving endangered animals and plant species. The park is also home to a few domestic animals that were born with abnormalities, and has a section full of statues of some major characters from the bible. The unique features of this park make it very inviting, and our children love spending time there.
Overall, it was a great way to continue building on the teachings for the day and to delve deeper into spiritual and faith-based learning.
Easter Celebrations at Kikuyu Home

At our Kikuyu home, the morning also started off with a skit the children presented about Easter, which had been planned and organized by the houseparents. Moses played the part of Jesus, while Mark and Gabriel, amongst others, participated as well. There were spiritual songs that went along with the skit as well. The children had a lovely time watching their brothers and sisters participate in the skit and learn more about their faith and Easter traditions.
In the afternoon, the children enjoyed a feast at home. Our aunties and uncles cooked some delicious roasted goat and french fries, and there were a variety of sodas to choose from. The children devoured their food and spent the rest of the afternoon playing games with their brothers and sisters.
Children Testimonials
Easter is a National holiday in Kenya, giving our children a long weekend to celebrate. This means that they were off from school from Friday to Tuesday, and had a lot of time to catch up with their brothers and sisters, take part in fun activities, and enjoy their holidays. Our homes celebrated in a big way on Easter Monday, so our children were most excited about that. They had a lot of fun rehearsing for the skit, and practicing their songs and dances on Friday and Saturday. Each actor made sure that they had learned all their lines, and our homes were looking forward to watching their brothers and sisters take part in the event.
The Significance of Faith in our Homes
At Children of Hope, we aim to encourage and guide our children in their spiritual journey of discovering and forming a personal connection with God. At both of our homes, we’re a part of the local church community where our children get the opportunity to explore their faith and nurture their beliefs. The younger children also attend Sunday school in these churches to learn more about their faith from an early age.
At our homes, we hold Bible study sessions to provide great opportunities to grow our children’s faith in God. During holidays such as Easter, we teach our children about the significance of these holidays by sharing teaching through activities like skits, songs, and dances. Our aunties and uncles are also dedicated to guiding our children and praying with them and for them as they face life’s challenges.