Faces of Children of Hope: Tony

Faces of Children of Hope: Tony

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8

While isolating at home, our Aunties and Uncles have been trying their best to keep our kids busy and learning through fun activities. With a bit of extra time on their hands, some kids have learned how to knit, make bracelets, and even farm. Other kids have been spending their time perfecting and mastering a skill they previously had. 

Tony, from our Kikuyu home, has used this time to improve his artistic talents. When it comes to drawing and sketching, Tony has a gift for abstract drawing and has been passing his knowledge to others over these past few months. Tony has a really big heart and will always give a hand to anyone who needs it. 

Origin Story

Tony’s smile and spirit is incredibly infectious. As one of our older kids in the Kikuyu home, the younger kids look up to him for advice and mentorship. 

On December 29th of 2003, young Tony was abandoned at the staff quarters of the Kenyatta National Hospital. Once found by the authorities, they took him to the government’s rescue center where they cared for him until he joined our family a few months later. Today, Tony is 18 years old and is in form two (Sophomore year) at Muguga High School. He is an incredibly dependable young man, and his generosity has earned him the respect from the other children in the home. 

A Story of Resilience

Tony (on the right) and Isaac (wearing red) have developed a very close friendship throughout the years. During their free time, the two can often be seen walking together and playing games.

When Tony hit teenagehood, he started questioning his origin and wondered why he had been abandoned as a young child. For a while, these thoughts truly affected him, his studies, and his health. With an underlying health condition, Tony struggled with taking his medication. It took about two years of counseling and a coordinated effort between the Aunties and Uncles for Tony to reconcile with his past. Despite his struggles, Tony’s self-esteem was never affected, and he was still gentle to others around him. Throughout those years, Tony was still seen as reliable when needed and, according to Uncle Sam, “Tony simply never fails”. 

A Steady Hand

Whenever anyone in our Kikuyu home is having any sort of technical difficulties, they will typically look to Tony for help. He has a special talent when it comes to using his hands and fixing problems.

Even though Tony has always had a bit of a hard time in school, he truly shines with hands-on tasks and skill-based subjects. We noticed this skill early on when he started fixing broken pipes, reconnecting wires and learning how to do farmwork. Last year, our driver Wilson was having issues with our truck’s headlamps and had done everything he could think of to fix it. Tony stepped in and was able to resolve the issue in no time. Ever since, whenever Wilson has issues with the car, he always asks Tony to help him. 

The construction of the greenhouse has been an incredible project for our Kikuyu home. Not only did we involve many of our kids and taught them about agriculture and farming, but we now have hundreds of tomatoes as well! 

Over the past few months, Tony has supported the construction of the greenhouse at the Kikuyu home. The technician relied on Tony to coordinate with the other kids who wanted to be part of this project. Once the greenhouse was built, Tony learned everything that had to do with greenhouse management skills like pruning and spraying the plants. He was doing such an excellent job that every time the greenhouse expert came to visit, he was impressed beyond belief with Tony’s work. 

Tony is incredibly talented at working with his hands, and as he continues to get more confident, we see him doing well as a plumber or electrician after he graduates from high school. With this in mind, Uncle Samson has been helping Tony navigate the requirements for a technical college and getting certified as a tradesperson. Tony’s face lights up every time he has these chats with Uncle Samson. 

Seeing Tony’s abilities develop throughout the years has been one of the most exciting things to witness. We are incredibly proud of how far he’s come. 

Each of our kids have an incredible story to tell. Thanks to your support, they’ve been able to have a second chance and are able to share their gifts with the world. It takes $400 a month to be able to fully support one of our kids and give them the care they deserve. If you would like to sponsor Tony or any of our other kids, click on the link below to make a contribution towards the child sponsorship fund. 

Child Sponsorship Fund